Lotsenmuseum / altes Lotsenhaus

Rheinuferstraße B42, 56349 Kaub

The pilot museum is in the old pilot livingroom.You can find yout more about their life with the film about them and it shows you Shipmodels and old documents about the shipping on the Rhine in old times

The town of Kaub has set up a pilot and shipping museum in the former waiting room of the Kaub pilot station. Here you will find various exhibits and ship models from times long past. The museum is open by appointment. The pilot and shipping museum can also be visited as part of the guided tours of the town.

Lotsenmuseum / altes Lotsenhaus

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56349 Kaub Rheinuferstraße B42
Rheinuferstraße B42
56349 Kaub

Phone: (0049) 6774 222
Web: http://www.lotsendienst-kaub.de

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